About Us.

Our Restaurant Is A Collective Of Amazing People Striving To Build Delightful Food Trailer.

Foodie Faves Truck LLC is a food trailer business with an operational base in Hartsville South Carolina which is where we will offer our esteemed clients quality tasting food. Our business will target high-traffic areas within Hartsville South Carolina to sell our food products which will comprise of a large variety of foods such as chicken, burgers, sandwiches, fish, and corn on cob among others. The company is a standard mobile food company registered and incorporated under the United States of America. The office space is located at 136-4 Forum Drive Columbia, South Carolina


Our Chefs

Charles Davis

Head Chef

Vincent Green

Sous Chef

Samuel Sims

Restaurant Manager

David Butler

Pasta Expert

Looking For Management Interns

Restaurant Amenities

Free WiFi

Smoking Zone

Live Music


"Aliquip habitant ea suscipit ea varius cras habitasse ligula doloremque cepteur vehicula iste nibh, mattis assumenda massa."
- Shamika Smith​

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